The Art of Exercise and Beyond

GYROKINESIS® Method at Unfolding Body

Wednesday 10am-11:30am
New Session starts May 1st 2024,

Class recording is available for 1 week.


People from all walks of life take Gyrokinesis classes, including accomplished athletes, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability. By the end of a Gyrokinesis session, one's entire system is awakened and brought into greater balance. Focus on the breath stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in a sense of calm, well-being and mental clarity. The Gyrokinesis Method is practiced on a mat and chair without equipment. Without the feedback and guidance of equipment, participants in a Gyrokinesis class are more dependent on their own proprioception to explore movement sequences.

Teacher Training

with Authorized Pre-Trainer Rebecca Halls
May 11th, 25th, June 8th, 22nd 9:30am-1pm

June 28, 29th 30th 9am-12pm & 2pm-4pm

GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course

This 30-hour course is offered over two 3-day weekends. In the morning we will do a 90-minute flowing Gyrokinesis class followed by workshop-ing of some of the exercises. In the afternoon we will dissect each « family » of exercises: Arch & Curl, Spiraling, Side-Arches and Wave Series seated on the stool, addition to the floor work on the mat and some of the standing work. You will have the opportunity to experience the « hands on cues » with Rebecca’s osteopathic touch, guiding you through the exercises, developing an in depth understanding of the work, biomechanics your own anatomy.

GYROKINESIS® Foundation Course

with Master Trainer Erika Hassan
July 7th - 17th 2024, (days off July 10th & 14th)

A unique opportunity to train with Gyrokinesis Master Trainer Erika Hassan who will be visiting us from New York. The Foundation Course is a 9-day Teacher Training course (45 hours in total). In this course you will deepen your GYROKINESIS® Practice and learn how to teach the GYROKINESIS® Method.

The layout of the course is retreat style so there will be time to enjoy with wild wilderness of the Comox Valley during our midday break and come back for movement in the early evening.

Erika met Juliu Horvath (creator of the GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® Methods) in 1993 in New York City, where she had moved to study dance. She trained intensively with Juliu for the next 5 years in the Gyrotonic Expansion System. From 2007-2013 she was Juliu Horvath's primary demonstrator and assistant in his courses. Erika is a Specialized Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Master Trainer. She travels the world teaching workshops and trainings and creating her own dance.

GYROKINESIS® Supervised Apprentice Course

with Master Trainer Jane
October 1-3 2024

More Info Coming Soon…